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Workforce Training
WorkReady Credential (Feb/Evening)
with Vanessa Richards

Employers tell us they need employees who are skilled, can read well and express themselves, use computers and solve problems. They also tell us they need employees who can come to work regularly and be on time, work as part of a team, and manage conflict.
The WorkReady credential addresses the soft skills need to be successful in the workplace and is designed for people who have difficulty getting or keeping a job. Those eligible and successfully completng the course will earn a recognized credential. This is a hybrid course with some in-person and some online assignments.
No class 02/20/25 or 04/24/25.
We are working on the schedule for in-person component of this course, but please reach out to learn more and get started with some of the activities. The first step is to meet with one of our career advisors to make a plan that meets your needs and goals. Call us at 664.7110 to schedule an initial appointment.
Making the Best First Impression: Invest in Your Customer Service
with Business Leaders

In today’s competitive market, can you afford to not offer the very best customer service?
When customers are pleased with a product or service they may tell one or two others, but when they are dissatisfied you better watch out! One of the main reasons that customers stop doing business is because someone at that business treated them poorly. Offering consistent, friendly customer service is a key to repeat business and customer loyalty. A big step to improving customer service is getting your employees to look at their jobs through the eyes of their customer.
The Ellsworth Adult & Community Education is partnering with the Ellsworth Area Chamber of Commerce and local businesses to offer businesses and individuals an opportunity to enhance their customer service. Trainers will be area employers who focus on quality customer service. Each session will have handouts that can be added to the student’s personal growth file or shared with others in their workplace. A certificate of completion will be awarded to those who successfully complete all four sessions.
- No Class 4/25/2025
- Makeup class, if needed, 05/02/25.
Session I - Friday, March 7, 2025 – First Impressions – The Impact of Attitude and Appearance on Sales and Repeat Business. Participants will discuss positive and negative example of good customer service,
- The importance of attitude – good or bad, both make a lasting impression
- The importance of dress – What is business casual?
Session III - Friday, March 21, 2025– Communication – It’s What You Say AND How You Say It
- Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication – body language can speak louder than words
- Active Listening – taking in what is said and what is not said
- Using the right words – grammar is a reflection on you and your company
- Asking open-ended questions – seeking to fully understand situations
- Know your audience – diverse customers = diverse expectations
Session II - Friday, March 14, 2025 – Effective Problem-Solving and Strategies for Dealing with Difficult Customers,
- How to tell people what they don’t want to hear
- Simple ways to help diffuse anger
- In person and on the telephone – smiles work
Session IV - Friday, March 28 , 2025- The Total Package – Going Above and Beyond
- Taking the extra steps helps ensure customer satisfaction
- Effective problem solving
Career Advising
with Annie Sargent
Meet with an experienced career advisor to assist you in many aspects of planning the next steps in your work life. Whether you’re just entering the job market, ready to make a change or want support with the job search process, Annie Sargent is ready to work with you confidentially to guide you through your next steps and identify resources for more in depth research. Ongoing enrollment. This offering is available both in-person and online.
Email, or call 207.664.7110, and we will make an appointment for you to meet with our career advisor (in-person or on ZOOM).
Ellsworth Area Business Training
with Annie Sargent
The Ellsworth Adult & Community Education Center is working with the Ellsworth Area Chamber of Commerce to bring relevant and individualized business training to our community.
Invest in Your Customer Service is being planned for Spring 2025.
WorkReadyTM Credential is a workforce training program designed to prepare participants for the attitudinal and disciplinary rigors of employment and to provide a highly structured simulated work environment that encourages the behavior required for workplace success.
Business Training-Designed for Your Employees We will design a training to meet the unique needs of your business. We have experience with task analysis of specific jobs to design and deliver relevant training. Examples have included training people to write effective notes in healthcare charts, reading instructions and writing notes in a variety of local settings, as well as technology training (ie, Excel and Google Suites for businesses and nonprofits). These trainings are cost effective and responsive to the business needs.
Harold Alfond Center for the Advancement of Maine’s Workforce is offering funding for pre-hire training, incumbent worker training, and scholarships. We can assist businesses in accessing this incredible resource for accessing training!
We are YOUR public adult education program. Reach out to Annie Sargent, Director,, 207.664.7110 (voice) 207.613.6460 (text) to learn more about how we can work with you to build a strong workforce in our community.
IC3 Digital Literacy Certification
with Vanessa Richards
This program is free until mid March 2025. If you're interested be in touch ASAP to be sure you have the time to complete the program and take the certification tests before the program ends.
Don't just use technology, succeed with technology. Technology has become a part of our everyday lives, and understanding how to function in environments that require the use of computers and the internet is more critical now than ever before. So, whether you plan to pursue a career in IT, or simply become more effective with technology, IC3 Digital Literacy Certification can assist you in building skills you need now, and credentials for your future.
The first step is to meet with one of our career advisors to make a plan that meets your needs and goals. Call us at 664.7110 to schedule an initial appointment to learn more about the program.
Vanessa loves working with adult learners. She is really easy to be around and makes people extremely comfortable; she even makes learning math and computers fun! She is committed to helping adults discover their strengths, build their confidence, and realize they can accomplish their goals. In her free time, she loves to travel and explore the outdoors. Vanessa teaches math, science, technology, and provides college and career advising.
Wilderness First Aid - SOLO Interest list only
with Jessica Steele
This class isn't free. We are hoping to bring this course to our community so we are gauging the interest. Please register here if you'd like to be alerted when the schedule and pricing is established.
Are you thinking about going on an outdoor trip this summer with family or friends? Are you planning on being a trip leader for a camp or guide service? Are you interested in knowing how to take care of someone if they were hurt in the backcountry? This is a perfect course for someone who would like to get a basic level of first aid training. The Wilderness First Aid is a 16-hour hands-on course. It will provide a comprehensive look at the standards and skills of dealing with:
- response and assessment
- musculoskeletal Injuries
- environmental emergencies
- survival skills
- soft tissue injuries
- medical emergencies.
This course includes 16-hours in class sessions, out of class reading, and a final exam. It can include a 2-hour CPR course. Course includes SOLO Wilderness First Aid book, Wilderness First Aid Map, 2-year WFA Certification
We are gauging interest in this class. The likely schedule will be the last weekend in September. If you register here, we will contact you when the logistics for the course are finalized.