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Ellsworth Adult and Community Education


Ellsworth Area Business Training Info Session (Online)
Online Registration Unavailable

Ellsworth Area Business Training Info Session (Online)


with Annie Sargent

Calendar Oct 3, 2024 at 12 pm

The Ellsworth Adult & Community Education Center is working with the Ellsworth Area Chamber of Commerce to bring relevant and individualized business training to our community. This is a live, online session using ZOOM.

Invest in Your Customer Service is being planned for Spring 2025.

WorkReadyTM Credential is a workforce training program designed to prepare participants for the attitudinal and disciplinary rigors of employment and to provide a highly structured simulated work environment that encourages the behavior required for workplace success. 

Business Training-Designed for Your Employees We will design  a training to meet the unique needs of your business. We have experience with  task analysis of specific jobs to design and deliver relevant training.  Examples have included training people to write effective notes in healthcare charts, reading instructions and writing notes in a variety of local settings as well as technology training (i.e., Excel and Google Suites for businesses and nonprofits). These trainings are cost effective and responsive to the business needs.

Harold Alfond Center for the Advancement of Maine’s Workforce offering funding for pre-hire training, incumbent worker training, and scholarships. We can assist businesses in accessing this incredible resource for accessing training! 

We are YOUR public adult education program.  To register for this session or to learn more about how we can work with you to build a strong workforce in our community, please reach out to Annie Sargent, Director at 207.664.7110 (voice), 207.613.6460 (text), or email

Let's Talk About Death-It's Inevitable (Eve)


with Juliette Wilbur

Calendar Oct 3, 2024 at 6 pm

Juliette Wilbur has worked in Probate for 20 years. She is committed to assisting people in breaking down the barriers to discussing preparations for the inevitable.  She will share some simple tools and resources to assist people in avoiding the time, energy and pain that can impact families for generations.  This is an in-person class.

Take Back Control of Your Time


with Amy Townsend

Calendar Oct 3, 2024 at 6 pm, runs for 3 weeks

This is a new start date.  Classes will be held 10/3, 10/10 10/24 (No class 10/17)


“Tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” - African  Proverb. "The more efficiently you use your time, the more experiences you can harness in a lifetime." - Ruzanna Hernandez, Ed.D.

Take control of your time and take control of your life. Join us to learn       easy ways to take back your time and create more time for you - whatever you want to accomplish. 

Class 1 - We will talk about the benefits of planning, ways we can plan (ex. time blocking, time of day, and routines and goals) and methods of planning (ex. paper planner, digital planner, google calendar, etc.). We will set goals and plan our upcoming week.

Class 2 - We will go over our previous week and pull out any opportunities for change. We will brainstorm ways to overcome those opportunities and plan another upcoming week. 

Class 3 - We will compare our weeks, brainstorm some more, and talk about other ways. 

 This is an in-person class.

Getting Your Affairs in Order-Estate Planning


with Elizabeth Young

Calendar Oct 21, 2024 at 11 am, runs for 3 weeks

You accumulate assets over time and may forget to look at the big picture.  For example, you start a small retirement account at your first job and name a beneficiary at that time; you buy a piece of land while you’re still single; you inherit money and deposit it to your checking account.  When you die, each of those assets will follow different distribution paths. 

“Estate Planning” is about getting documents prepared to plan for your future AND about making sure you’ve got your i’s dotted and your t’s crossed.  You don’t have to be rich or old to go through this process.    

Join Rebecca Sargent and Elizabeth Young, with Jones, Kuriloff & Sargent, LLC, to learn about the documents and considerations.  There’s the financial power of attorney (i.e., who's going to pay your bills when you no longer can); medical power of attorney (i.e., who will make medical decisions if you’re incapacitated); and your Will (i.e., what happens to your assets when you die). 

This workshop is for people who want to learn the basics about estate planning.  If you have put off thinking about these issues because you don't know where to start or what questions to ask, this workshop is for you!  This is an in-person class.

Let's Talk About Death-It's Inevitable (Morning)


with Juliette Wilbur

Calendar Oct 30, 2024 at 9 am

Juliette Wilbur has worked in Probate for 20 years. She is committed to assisting people in breaking down the barriers to discussing preparations for the inevitable.  She will share some simple tools and resources to assist people in avoiding the time, energy and pain that can impact families for generations.  This is an in-person class.

How Money Smart Are You?


with Vanessa Richards

Join in on FDIC Money Smart sessions. Learn how to make money decisions in a fun, no pressure, confidential environment. You’ll find a treasure trove of resources while playing games and taking part in activities that will get you on the road to taking charge of your financial  future. If you’re looking for a low-key and supportive environment, this offering is just for you!  Ongoing enrollment.  These are designed to be in-person sessions. 

If you would like to learn more about this class, register here, call 207.664.7110, or email for an appointment with a student advisor.  

Medicare Information Session
Registration Unavailable

Medicare Information Session

Price not

with To Be Determined

There has been a lot of interest in this topic, so we are working with community organizations to find the best option for presenting this important information.

Check back here for updated information in late August or sign-up now and we will alert you when details are finalized.  You may also give us a call at 207.664.7110.

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