Student Loan Repayment Strategies and Pro Tips
with Nikki Vachon
There are many different facets to the student loan program that can be powerful in helping you achieve your financial goals but also can be confusing. If you are struggling with your payments, did you know there are several income-based repayment plans as well as deferment or forbearance? Did you know you could get .25% off your interest rate if you sign up for auto-debit on your federal loans? Do you know you can work towards loan forgiveness now if you work for a non-profit, government or tribal agency? Whether you have recently graduated from college or have been repaying your students loans for a long time, join us to learn how to best manage your student loan repayment. Join Nikki Vachon, College Access Counselor, from the Finance Authority of Maine as she shares pro-tips and answers questions. This is a live, online class using ZOOM.
May 7th, 2025
Wed from 6:00 - 7:00 pm
Online Class
For more info, call us at 207.664.7110 phone * 207.669.6247 fax